Participating Schools

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This list represents participating professionals schools with the education of children with learning differences and dyslexia.

Swift School 10 Roswell Melissa Jozefov 1-8 Dyslexia, 2
Currey Ingram Academy 42 Brentwood K-12 3
The Learning Center @The Lexington School 17 Lexington 1-8 Dyslexia, 1, 3
The New Community School 46 Richmond Nancy Foy 5-12 Dyslexia
The Howard School 10 Atlanta Marifred Cilella K-12 Dyslexia, 1, 2
Fortune Academy 14 Indianapolis 1-12 Dyslexia, 1, 2
The Briarwood School 43 Houston Carole Wills K-12 Dyslexia, 1, 2
Camperdown Academy 40 Greenville Dan Blanch 1-8 Dyslexia
Carroll School 21 Lincoln 1-9 Dyslexia
The Parish School 43 Houston preschool-5th Dyslexia, 1, 2